Sunday 7 February 2010


Heeeey :3 the day is almost over and I haven't done my blog! Until now that is~
So today I did the same horrendous thing I did yesterday but...I went to bed at like nine this morning and then got up at like seven in the evening. What is up with that? If my sleeping pattern wasn't fucked before, it certainly is now.
So I haven't done much because of this, but I am certainly going to farmfoods tomorrow hells yeah. My flatmates have been shopping there and have told me a few of the prices for the things they got and it is amazing. This is all considering that I get up in time tomorrow of course.
Lastly, I don't know whether to book a bus home or not for Friday...since my lecturer said something about a gig? Though he hasn't said anything about it recently so that doesn't really give us time. I don't know which side I'm batting for on this one, Home or Indefinite Gig.
Ah well, until tomorrow! : D Aka ten minutes.

xoxoxo EX-OOH


  1. o: I didn't know you were planning on coming home. Me and Nu need to visit you in Glasgay soon.

  2. Yes, you do :3. If am havin a gigu later in the month I shall inform you both and you should totally come for that : D

  3. Nu is not sure she can D: As work fails and she has no muns~ BUT I will see what I can do~

  4. Don't listen to Nu. She's entitled to holiday pay.
