Friday 12 February 2010


Again, I completely forgot to update my blog yesterday! I went to bed at eleven last night after watching skins as I was le tired, and got off to sleep pretty quickly. I woke up quite early and couldn't really get back to although I have college at 1pm I got up at like 8am XD.
So a thing I regretted to tell you all on Wednesday is that I found out someone in my course likes X Japan and Placebo. It was quite amazing o: he just happened to ask what music I was into and I replied with "Japanese Music". So yeah that was awesome, and yesterday (Thursday) well...nothing much happened except I got Scott a Valentine's Day card...which reads inside (I thought the card was sealed at the time) "You and me - Together forever". I'm going to have to edit this in some light hearted way, cos if not that's most likely gonna come across as creepy. There were loooads of cards with "I love you" and "To the one I love" but not enough, I feel, for the people who are in new relationships and aren't -there- yet. Ah...the whole thing is just a market, but...I guess it can be's an excuse to celebrate your relationship with your partner. Though should you really need an excuse...?
Now on to today...well...nothing much has happened so far because we're not that far into the day. I'm going to Scott's tonight...his mum is away ;D. I can't remember how much the friggin' ticket for the train costs though. Then tomorrow, I'm going home : D! Though I have quite a lot of essay work to do v_v. Hopefully MOM can help me with some of it, make sure it sounds okay. Then next Wednesday I should be done with Communications! Yay : D.

xoxoxo EX-OOH

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