Sunday, 31 January 2010

First blog and back from Edinburgh.

'Lo :3.

My blog makes its debut : D. What do I have to tell you my so far non existant followers...? Well, I just got back from Edinburgh, its a really nice looking place :3 Even if I can't set my foot into a certain gay bar ever again. Still, good times.
I do miss Scott though...and in my drunken mess I accidently blocked myself out my phone ><, buuuuuuuuuut thanks to google and this happening before at least twice, all is solved :3. So I texted my ginger, and hopefully he'll get back to me.
N'much else to talk aboot eh. Oh yeah, my college band "Geein' Laldy Wie Raldy Daldy" may be playing in a couple of weeks : D. Will keep you guys posted. Am off now to do nothing in particular :3.

Xoxoxo EX-OOH